Neglect, Le Sigh

So, I’ve been neglecting this site, and focusing energy into all these other sites… why don’t I just use this site for all of these things that I do? From now on, that is what I will do. Warehouse updates will be here, for example. Also, candy of the month… totally Kit Kats. Man did I miss Kit Kats. You forget if you don’t eat these things for a while.

Trufle w Czekoladzie – Candy of the Month!

It’s hard to go into a lot of detail about these candies, because I don’t speak Polish. I have a vague idea what “W CZEKOLADZIE” means. (With Chocolate?) I will tell you this, however, these are delicious. They have a good little kick of bitterness to them. If I’m not mistaken, there’s somewhat of a liqueur component to them. They are not for everyone, but boy howdy they’re for me. There are varieties I think also. I recall having cherry-chocolate trufles one time. They aren’t an easy find. Duane Reade or CVS aren’t going to have these lying around, but if you check your local Polish grocer, there is a chance they may just have it on the shelf – next to the Wedel Delicje cookies and those creepy kinder eggs.

Snickers Peanut Butter Squared

When you think about it, this combination makes so much sense. How did this not occur sooner? Well, it took a while, but Snickers finally incorporated peanut butter into its form.

Let’s start with Snickers, caramel, nougat, peanuts and covered in milk chocolate. Suddenly, we now have peanut butter. Snickers has had some gimmick candy bars over the years, but this one is a home run – knocked out of the park. I have mixed thoughts about the square thing though. I feel like a simple bar would suffice. The packaging has specific instructions for eating one square and saving another for later. Gimmicky, but I guess it’s fine. Being that these candy bars are like crack and I am addicted, I suppose it doesn’t matter that they’re squares.

I Prove Jeff Jarrett Sucks

jeffjarrettI’ve been watching wrestling for almost 19 years. I have seen a lot of faces come and go. One face, however, that should have gone a long time ago, but managed to stick around, is that of Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett is not enjoyable to watch at all. I never was excited about him, either for or against him. I just didn’t like the guy, not in the “I boo the bad guy” way either. Disliking a bad guy in wrestling (for you non-wrestling fans) is known in the business as “heat.” A wrestler gains “heat” by appealing negatively to the fans. Jeff Jarrett has simply bored the life out of me whenever he is taking up precious TV time. As a heel (wresting jargon for “bad guy”) he generates no heat, the fans just want him to go away. As a good guy, he’s just boring. Both sides of that coin see him doing the same thing, breaking a guitar over someone’s head. Unlike the Honky Tonk Man who predates him, nobody cares when he does it, partially because he did it way too much.

So after being a unentertaining wrestler for a long time, he founded his own company and has been there ever since. He made himself champion, of course, for a while. It took several years before I think he may have finally realized just how lousy he was to watch. But onto my main point, how do I actually prove that Jarrett sucks?

This is Barry Horowitz

barrryhorowitzBarry Horowitz was what is known as a “jobber.” This means that he basically lost every match to major superstars who were being made to look good. He collected a paycheck and moved on with his life. Horowitz, however, shocked the world once, by winning a match against a then-superstar known as “Skip.” Skip claimed this was a fluke and the two tangled again, only to see another victory for Horowitz. The feud came to a head at Summer Slam 1995, so you have this jobber appearing on a major pay per view event. For only a minute, the entire world rallied behind Barry Horowitz hoping he would overcome the evil Skip. To those of us who remember this, I ask you, have you ever cared about any Jeff Jarrett match nearly as much as this one Barry Horowitz match? To those who only are finding out about this now, I’ll answer for you, “no.” Jeff Jarrett has never garnered as much interest as this one match with Barry Horowitz. I cannot think of any further evidence I need to present to relay this message any clearer. Barry Horowitz, who was not particularly interesting as a performer still managed to perform on a level higher than Jeff Jarrett has been able to attain.

My Trip to Texas for WrestleMania

So, after the previous mentioned debacle getting to Texas, we finally arrived the morning of April 3rd. After getting our rental car, a PT Cruiser, we headed out to Stafford to check in to our room. Doing some research led me to select the La Quinta. It was a nice little place, 2 star hotel, but received exceptional reviews. The lady at the desk greeted us, “How ya’ll doin’?” Oh yeah, we had arrived. Surrounding us was an IHOP, Hooters and some Konichiwa place. We checked in and I almost immediately crashed. I stayed awake the entire night in Atlanta and had to take a break. It was roughly noon and we had planned to attend a charity event with wrestlers appearing, one of which was Jake Roberts. We discovered that there were two events taking place back to back, and Jake’s portion would take place from  4-7 PM, giving me a chance to sleep a little while longer. First, we ordered pizza. It was horrible. See the picture below for a glimpse of what a horror that was. Then I crashed finally. Sean managed to revive me at about 5:30. I quickly showered and we headed out to catch the tail end of the event. We got to the convention right as the wrestlers were packing up. We ran to meet Jake, and meet him we did. I apologized for holding him up and he told me (playfully) to take my shirt and stick it up my ass. Then we posed for the picture Jake requested that we not grab his ass. Then Sean showed him his Halloween costume to see his response. Jake quickly responded “You’re a sick bastard.” After walking away, I was overjoyed with how unique of an experience it was to have your childhood hero tell you off. I called my dad and told him immediately. Then we went back to the hotel, chilled a little bit more and tried to make dinner plans with Dennis (who was also in Houston). We told him we wanted to try Hooters, which was near an IHOP off of whatever the highway was, I think 59. Chance would have it that he would end up at another Hooters right next to a different IHOP right down the road. We just ate at our respective Hooters. It was decent food, everyone was cheering watching a basketball game. The waitresses were all super hot. My waitress touched my shoulder and I fainted. Then, I ventured somewhere that I never thought I would be again, to Austin. Why was I venturing there? I was going to see someone whom I never thought I would see again, Holly.

We arrived at Holly’s at about 1 AM. She started a barbecue as a small shindig for us and it snowballed into a huge party. I met a ton of people and saw a few people who I hadn’t seen in 9 years. I couldn’t believe how much time passed. Sean and I took over the music and Holly, Logan (her boyfriend), Sean and myself all caught up and chatted for a long time. Holly was an awesome host, she even got a six pack of Becks, since everyone else in Texas drinks Bud Light. We had a blast talking again. It was really a trip, I really never thought I’d be crossing paths with Holly ever again realistically. Thankfully, the WWE held Wrestlemania at a venue geographically desirable to do so. Sean and I hung out till around 6 AM or so and headed back to Houston. We arrived back at the hotel around 9 AM or so, I was ready for bed.

I woke up mid-day and just wanted to lounge and catch my breath. We really hadn’t taken a break since we got there. We ordered more pizza. We know, we know… we wanted to go out and get like, meat, steak, hamburgers, but it was Texas and we were lazy. We wanted to order and all we could find were more pizza places and Chinese. We opted to try pizza from a different place one more time… This is what resulted…

We watched the WWE Hall of Fame induction ceremony on USA and then coordinated an evening out with Dennis and his friend Kevin. We got started at about 12:30 on our way out, and Kevin informed us that in Texas, last call was 2 AM. For a group of NY boys, this wasn’t cool. We then hit traffic and discovered that Texans don’t handle accidents like NYers. The whole highway was shut down. People just got out of their car, talked and hung out with each other. We got to downtown Houston at about 1:30. We didn’t really have time to do anything so we just drove around and just scope out the city. It was a quaint little place, felt like Tribeca. We then got some grub from Whataburger and called it a night.

The next morning we woke up and headed to Waffle House. On the menu, under hash browns, it gave the options of “smothered” or “covered.” Dennis remarked that the lyrics of that Bloodhound Gang song now made more sense. What a catch! I had grits for the first time. They were good. I told the server that I didn’t want pulp in my orange juice, he replied, “What’s that?” We had a long conversation about wrestling with most of the employees and some customers. We grabbed some beer at a gas station. I sensed Moon Pies when I walked in, and found them, and Sean got me the entire thing. Then it was time for Wrestlemania.

Although it was hard to see the ring from out seats, despite them being close, being there is just amazing. The production is second to none. There were quite a few surprises, some were good, some were bad. The entire crowd was on the edge of their seats for Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels. The Hardy match was excellent. John Cena having Edge and Big Show on his back, if even for just a second, was a great sight. I think everyone in the arena was expecting Randy Orton to win the title, but he didn’t. The only let down of the night (other than Mickey Rourke not doing the Ram Jam) was Triple H winning.

We bounced, got back to our hotel and Sean and I hit up a diner. I had a huge burger which was excellent and a carmel cheesecake dessert which was outstanding. We got some sleep and sadly, the next morning was the time for us to depart. We checked out got on the plane and got back to Atlanta. After a slight delay, we got to NY, took a cab home, and IMMEDIATELY WENT TO ROSA’S. Seriously, we didn’t wait, we went to the car and got real pizza. We returned to my apartment and watched Raw. This traveling thing is fun, I want to do it more.

WWE The Best of Saturday Night’s Main Event DVD Set

WWE Saturday Night's Main Event DVD Box ArtThis DVD set is absolutely amazing to watch as an old school wrestling fan. For those of you who do not know, WWE (formerly “WWF”) used to have a late night show which ran on NBC when Saturday Night Live was in rerun. There were no monthly pay per view events in those days and most of time, this show served as the main story progressing medium. This show ran through the era which Mean Gene Okerlund referred to as “the glory days.” For the most part, The Best of Saturday Night’s Main Event covers 1985-1992. In 2006, NBC and WWE restarted the Saturday Night’s Main Event program, although quite different and not nearly as crucial to progression as before. Luckily, there’s minimal 21st century covered on this set.

For me personally, I started watching wrestling in 1991. I back tracked heavily, renting all the videos I could leading up to the present. I watched all the ppvs I could get my hands on, but a lot of the events leading up to matches would take place on SNME, I could only get a glimpse of this action. I did not have cable in the sticks I used to live in, so seeing WWE on my TV at home was awesome. I only got to see a handful of them before they ended. The need for SNME was filled with the new, weekly, Monday Night Raw and Main Event vanished.

Now for this DVD set, hours and hours of big matches from Main Event, in full, with wrestler interviews about the action. Too keep it relevant to today, some of the active roster are on the DVD. The cast of characters is simply awesome. Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, Jake Roberts, Junk Yard Dog, Roddy Piper, Big Boss Man, Dusty Rhodes, Mr. T, Honky Tonk Man, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Ultimate Warrior, and of course, Andre the Giant are just some of the superstars you see throughout the set. Yeah sure, John Cena is there too, but again, that’s the 21st century stuff that may appeal to you, but I’m content with the “glory days.”

Anyway, if you couldn’t tell, I’m high on this DVD set. I have yet to tell you just how high, however. BUY THIS SET. Seriously, buy it now! This DVD set is by far the best collection the WWE has released, period. They have captured a great deal of action for the era that I grew up on and loved. I’m unbelievably happy with this set and it put a huge smile on my face multiple times. Wrestling was so colorful and larger than life back then and drinking it all in was quite an experience. All I have to say about this DVD collection is: 10

Christian Returns to WWE

christianTo my fellow wrestling fans, we knew this was coming. The WWE swerved us big time with Christian’s roster placement, however. Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and Edge are all on Smackdown. They make a pretty explosive trio as it is, adding Christian to the mix would practically make it nuclear. On the surface, placing Christian on ECW seems like a bad move, but maybe it isn’t.

Consider this, now you’re probably going to watch ECW a little bit more. Now we already have Christian back, but now the anticipation will continue a little bit longer for him to rejoin his comrades over on Smackdown. We all know it’s coming sooner or later, we just did not get an instant payoff. We now will keep our eye on this situation even more closely. We were holding our breath awaiting Christian’s return. Now we aren’t breathing just yet, but have been allow to take one more nice and deep breath to hold out a little longer. Sooner or later, Christian will cross paths with Matt, Jeff, or Edge. This will give Matt and Jeff some time to soak up the lime light before we detonate this whole thing. Christian is probably expected to pay some dues for his time in TNA anyway. Hopefully we won’t be looking at this in a few months saying “WWE ruined something else.”


I usually don’t like to get too much into wrestling stuff here, but this time I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. There’s been a developing story that is brewing lately. I’ll give you some back story to make this all make sense. This is Randy Orton:


Randy Orton is in his late 20s, he’s a former WWE Champion and has been competing athletically for most of his life. Basically, he’s nearing (if not already in) his prime. Recently, he attacked the owner of the WWE (Vince McMahon). He brutalized the old man and we were all anxiously waiting for the rest of the family (also with powerful executive roles) to respond. This past Monday, they did just that. It made for horrible story-telling.

Basically, Orton found a loop hole to prevent himself from being fired for his actions. Firing him would cause a bad chain reaction – a lot of legal mumbo jumbo. He begged to be fired to the boss’s daughter, to which she responded, “…too easy…” So what happened next?

This is Shane McMahon:


Shane is Vince’s son. Shane McMahon is not an athlete. He has never been WWE Champion, nor a serious competitor either. He’s about 11 years Randy Orton’s senior. On Monday night, he walked into the ring and began throwing horrible punches at Randy Orton. A great deal of them did not land. Randy Orton has a group he formed with two other wrestlers who tried to aid him against Shane. After Shane fought them all off, being the lone warrior he is (not), Randy Orton was knocked unconscious. Repeating this makes me sick.

This is one of the worst examples of story-telling I can think of. Shane McMahon is not an active member of the roster. He’s a business man, actually, he’s daddy’s little boy. He should not be able to walk out to the ring and beat up on a main eventer. Even you non-wrestling fans should be able to see this. Imagine if Noah Bennet just walked up the Sylar on Heroes and punched his lights out. Imagine if Perry White kicked Superman’s ass because he was the boss! This is horrible! This story had so much momentum and this latest episode just took the wind out of the sails. I just had to complain, sorry.